Saturday, January 31, 2009

1/31 - Valentine decor

Yep - I was at Target again LOL. Isn't that turtle fellow the cutest thing? I can't wait to put these out and enjoy them for February! Quick and easy fun - what more can a girl ask :)

Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30 - 3-up Beginings

Getting set to start Stacy Julian's Library Of Memories course again next month. I'll be auditing the class as an alumni this year. I thoroughly enjoyed the class when I took it and began to implement her system and practices but there is just so much to think about and set up - making it work for ME. I'm really looking forward to picking this up where I left off. These binders are "3 Up" binders - that house 'in progress' photos. They make pictures that are waiting to be scrapped accessible and easily enjoyed by family and friends while they are not yet in the scrapbooks. I have MANY more photos that need to get sorted and pulled into 3-up binders, but it's a start - and I'm lovin' the new cat book ends to go with them :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29 - Pretty Flowers

Way too early in the year to be enjoying REAL flowers, so... here's the next best thing. Wonder what kind of project I can dream up with these little wonders. I bought them because the colors coordinate so nicely with the Project 365 kit, but I fear they are a bit large to use therein.... No worries, I'll come up with something!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 28 - Caught

Just out "shooting" today and had to admire the simple beauty - how thousands of tiny flakes are caught by one signle branch, suspended in the bright morning sun, glittering and twinkling and just a sight to behold. Squashed into icy slush underfoot they are no where near as appealing as when caught high above to simply enjoy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27 - Do I have to???

"Seriously MOM... do I HAVE to stop playing "Rock Band II" and go work on my book report? MOMMMMM? For REAL? " Ahhh the joys of a teen.

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26 - Gram's Crystal

These mean the world to me. At a loss for what to take a photo of today, I relaized these would be perfect. This was my grandmother's set of pre-war crystal. On the bottom shelf you'll see the open "dish" champagne glasses, rather than the modern flute style. And that TINY little cordial class... so delicate and dainty. When we moved Gram out of her home and into a nursing home this was one of the only things that I knew had to come with me. We don't use these glasses, not even on special occasions as I did growing up. These are a memory, preserved, a space in time. I will for always treasure and protect them.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 25 - Brisk Breakfast

Bless their hearts, those poor things are going to have frigid wings looking for breakfast today. Unfortunately I've also run out of bird seed so their search will be wasted. Must stop tonight and pick up some more feed.